1. Portland Outdoor Athletics
21:44.2 28:27.3 = 50:11.5
Taylor Overmiller, Tasha Overmiller
2. Run Cbd
23:30.0 31:21.7 = 54:51.7
Ryan Polin, Naomi Tucker
3. Beastsocr
27:18.3 29:31.6 = 56:49.9
Patrick Olson, Richard Nevarez
4. Core
23:00.0 34:27.6 = 57:27.6
Jeremy Kaufmann, Fontaine Kaufmann
5. Funzies
29:53.5 30:58.7 = 1:00:52.2
Shannon Hess, Ryan Arnell
6. Couch/wade
37:30.8 37:32.6 = 1:15:03.4
Brittney Wade, Samantha Couch
7. Zombeaver Dentata
36:43.6 39:35.0 = 1:16:18.6
Dave Berger, Amber Berger
8. Cowl Wilson
40:56.8 40:57.7 = 1:21:54.5
Megan Thornton, Sean Poling
9. Catbat And Raccoonicorn
41:12.0 41:12.6 = 1:22:24.6
Joshua Heath, Kelsey Taylor
10. Newcomers
41:54.1 41:55.2 = 1:23:49.3
Reed Newcomer, Natalie Newcomer
11. Jenandersons
43:37.2 43:39.3 = 1:27:16.5
Tj Anderson, Lori Anderson
12. Hssp
44:16.0 44:16.9 = 1:28:32.9
Allen Pucket, Tiffany Pucket
13. 9round Beaverton
29:26.4 1:03:03.8 = 1:32:30.2
Jeff Ioan-Sanders, Danielle Spang
14. Over The Hump
47:01.1 47:01.8 = 1:34:02.9
Crystal Swain, Dan Swain
15. 9rb X2
45:11.7 49:25.0 = 1:34:36.7
Jessica Nguyen, Stephanie Bannister
16. The Flaming Mongooses
49:11.9 49:13.6 = 1:38:25.5
Jc Rogauskas, Kara Radecki
17. Crusty Love
49:34.8 49:36.3 = 1:39:11.1
Timothy McElravy, Jennifer McElravy
18. Fursdawg
49:38.5 49:38.6 = 1:39:17.1
Benjamin Fursdon, Megan Fursdon
19. Cowl - 2j
49:38.9 49:41.6 = 1:39:20.5
Josh Kam, John Williams
20. Cowl Le Pays Maudit
49:41.2 49:41.6 = 1:39:22.8
Dylan Digby, Kathy Mollusky
21. Franks
50:15.7 50:17.0 = 1:40:32.7
Lawrence Franks Jr., Ulrike Franks
22. M&m
44:15.1 57:07.7 = 1:41:22.8
Tyrell Moon, Mary Cendana
23. Jimmandi
50:07.0 51:41.5 = 1:41:48.5
Mandi Maycumber, Jimmy Davidson
24. I, Too, Only Have Eyes For Mud
51:30.1 51:30.9 = 1:43:01.0
Jesse Broome, Kali Broome
25. I Only Have Eyes For Mud
51:30.1 51:31.7 = 1:43:01.8
Natasha Allen, David Allen
26. 9 Round Beaverton
51:45.7 51:45.8 = 1:43:31.5
Alessa Karlin, Colin Laing
27. We Run Better Than The Governm
44:57.0 58:57.0 = 1:43:54.0
Ivan Arellano, Tiffany Farrar
28. Team Carpenter
52:33.4 52:34.5 = 1:45:07.9
Tyson Carpenter, Rachel Carpenter
29. Muddy Marcums
52:37.6 52:39.9 = 1:45:17.5
Jeremy Marcum, Taleah Marcum
30. Dog Mom's
44:58.6 1:00:20.5 = 1:45:19.1
Jesseka Collins, Tenisha Tevis
31. Paws Forward
54:13.6 54:13.8 = 1:48:27.4
Taurie Davis, Lucas Charles
32. #rebecca
50:32.9 57:54.8 = 1:48:27.7
Dan Reichenbach, Rebecca Guptill
33. Two Mudder Fudders
54:54.5 54:55.5 = 1:49:50.0
Ashleigh Peters, Eric Adabkhah
34. T&k Secret Lovers
55:00.0 55:00.0 = 1:50:00.0
Tonya Corbett, Ken Bobbs
35. Graham
56:03.5 56:04.1 = 1:52:07.6
Jessica Graham, Mitch Graham
36. McCreadie
56:36.8 56:43.6 = 1:53:20.4
Janelle McCreadie, Grant McCreadie
37. Villa
56:48.0 56:48.1 = 1:53:36.1
Rose Villasenor, Raul Villasenor
38. Love & Paws-Itivity
57:19.7 57:20.1 = 1:54:39.8
Victoria Richards, Bryan Wessman
39. Fidofinder
54:16.0 1:03:17.5 = 1:57:33.5
Ally Galloway, Seanmichael Galloway
40. Marfar
58:49.5 58:57.0 = 1:57:46.5
Josh Martin, Stephanie Martin
41. The A Team
57:13.0 1:02:37.5 = 1:59:50.5
Allison Groom, Marcie Anderson
42. Luanmi
59:58.9 1:00:04.9 = 2:00:03.8
Luis Higuera, Andres Higuera
43. Clark
1:00:01.8 1:00:02.5 = 2:00:04.3
Frank Clark, Martha Clark
44. Stelly
1:00:19.3 1:00:19.9 = 2:00:39.2
Shelly Burke, Steve Blair
45. Prove What?
1:00:24.6 1:00:24.8 = 2:00:49.4
Zoe Hayes-Marshall, Corey Grohs
46. Cupids Country Girls
1:00:50.0 1:00:50.0 = 2:01:40.0
Haley Branting, Nikki Oas
47. Niehus
1:01:00.6 1:01:00.6 = 2:02:01.2
Avery Niehus, Jessi Niehus
48. Captain Obviously
1:00:57.8 1:01:52.1 = 2:02:49.9
Christina Cochran, David Cochran
49. Johnson Duo
1:01:26.4 1:01:27.8 = 2:02:54.2
Janie Johnson, Kelsey Johnson
50. Mud And Spice
52:33.4 1:11:36.0 = 2:04:09.4
Christina Jeter, Jill Christensen
51. 5 Ft Nothin 100 N Somethin
1:02:14.9 1:02:19.4 = 2:04:34.3
Kristen Wilson, Ryan Wilson
52. Going Coastal 2
1:03:16.7 1:03:19.3 = 2:06:36.0
Donny Werder, Illeana Blacketer
53. Going Coast #1
1:03:35.2 1:03:35.3 = 2:07:10.5
Josh Blacketer, Heather Hatton
54. Cellerini
1:03:41.2 1:03:42.6 = 2:07:23.8
Beth Cellerini, Jon Cellerini
55. Cocopuff Waffie
1:05:19.2 1:05:19.4 = 2:10:38.6
Hannah Lehman, Troy Stamp
56. Mack speed
1:05:26.7 1:05:27.0 = 2:10:53.7
Hailey Edwards, Dylan Smith
57. Team Sloth
1:05:51.4 1:05:56.1 = 2:11:47.5
Timothy Carsey, Josh Deal
58. Wellington
1:05:59.1 1:06:00.4 = 2:11:59.5
Heidi Wellington, Cory Wellington
59. Berkandy
1:06:16.2 1:06:17.6 = 2:12:33.8
Andy Lee, Rebecca Lee
60. Fire Ferrets
1:07:34.6 1:07:34.9 = 2:15:09.5
Hillary Fulgham, Samantha Owen
61. Baby Sharks
1:07:35.9 1:07:37.0 = 2:15:12.9
Kieren Hoff, Cory Townsend
62. Pavlov's Dogs
1:08:05.9 1:08:08.8 = 2:16:14.7
Matt Vinson, Kelsey Pensinger
63. Team Thomas
51:04.3 1:26:32.1 = 2:17:36.4
Jayden Thomas, Haylee Thomas
64. Team Mason
1:09:31.4 1:09:31.4 = 2:19:02.8
Michael Noonan, Kristen Nelson
65. Tiwi
1:09:39.3 1:09:43.1 = 2:19:22.4
Allyson Alvarado, Sandra Patchpe
66. We Swiped Right!
1:11:33.3 1:11:33.6 = 2:23:06.9
John Eld, Kara Mintier
67. Average Joes
1:12:06.3 1:12:06.8 = 2:24:13.1
Melissa Cochran, Erin Linck
68. Hower Power
1:12:42.5 1:12:42.7 = 2:25:25.2
Michelle Hower, Jeff Hower
69. Sole Mates
1:13:06.9 1:13:08.6 = 2:26:15.5
Stephanie Culver, Will Culver
70. McVogtskis
1:13:56.4 1:13:57.7 = 2:27:54.1
Julia McFerron, Andrew McFerron
71. Cupid Sisters
1:14:48.1 1:14:53.7 = 2:29:41.8
Sophia Calleja, Adrienna Calleja
72. Team 1-2-3
1:15:46.6 1:15:48.4 = 2:31:35.0
Heather Johnson, Jeramy Vargas
73. Team Mud Sluts
1:16:20.6 1:16:23.2 = 2:32:43.8
Alaina Burgess, Lacey Hornecker
74. Mudsluts
1:16:22.2 1:16:25.4 = 2:32:47.6
Kimberly Free, James Gustafson
75. Happy Feet
1:17:51.3 1:18:05.3 = 2:35:56.6
Leonardo Reed, Dorian Reed
76. Maggnificent Duo
1:17:59.7 1:18:01.5 = 2:36:01.2
Leslie Walczak, Ryne Smith
77. Chocolate Wasted
1:18:50.4 1:18:50.9 = 2:37:41.3
Paula Trinidad, Miguel Trinidad
78. Schosty Forever
1:19:45.9 1:19:46.3 = 2:39:32.2
Rebecca Darrah, Itzel Rojas
79. Team Oreo
1:20:11.5 1:20:14.3 = 2:40:25.8
Breanna Smith, Jeremy Carroll
80. Ginger & Spice
1:20:36.8 1:20:41.0 = 2:41:17.8
Jesse Miller, Perla Estrada
81. Killian
1:21:36.3 1:21:36.9 = 2:43:13.2
Rebecca McVae, Erick Spitler
82. Muddy Butties
1:22:26.3 1:22:28.8 = 2:44:55.1
Tyler Whitaker, Baillie Keithley
83. Muddy Butties274116
1:22:26.6 1:22:29.2 = 2:44:55.8
David Johnson, Ashly Johnson
84. Cat Gang
1:22:32.3 1:22:33.7 = 2:45:06.0
Christian Elizalde, Brandy Schuh
85. Muddy Buddies
1:22:53.3 1:22:54.4 = 2:45:47.7
Rachele Barber, Matthew Barber
86. Kb2019jb
1:25:16.6 1:25:16.6 = 2:50:33.2
Keith Bartz, Jessica Buck
87. Fart Smuckers
1:25:49.8 1:25:50.0 = 2:51:39.8
Jennifer Buechel, Mary Lindstrand
88. Thomas s
1:26:30.5 1:26:31.2 = 2:53:01.7
Jazmyne Thomas, Angela Frechette
89. Snarling Pufferfish
1:09:32.0 1:50:39.8 = 3:00:11.8
Maddox Noonan, Alyssa Moore
90. Unicorns & Rainbows
1:32:25.9 1:32:27.8 = 3:04:53.7
Gwynyvere Parrish, Addison Parrish
91. Robot Rebels
1:41:05.4 1:41:07.6 = 3:22:13.0
Stephanie Salazar, Ivonne Fajardo