2023 Run On The River

Result File

                                                             Run On The River
                        Sponsored by Buoy Beer Co.
                         Astoria, OR    05/13/2023
                     Results By Eclectic Edge Racing 

                             Overall 5K Results  

Place No.   Name                    Ag S Div/Tot  Div    City          St Time      Pace  Start    Agegrade   Ahead Time Leader Ahead  City Place City Total    
===== ===== ======================= == = ======== ====== ============= == ========= ===== ======== ========== ========== ============= ========== ========== 
    1   652 Jake Mitchell           23 M   1/2    M20-24 Salem         OR   19:14.7  6:12 11:00:15  67.03                                       1          4 
    2   531 Nolan Butler            12 M   1/3    M11-14 Port Orchard  WA   19:18.8  6:13 11:00:15  76.98        0:04.1     0:04.1              1          3 
    3   638 Elisa Litwora           42 F   1/13   F40-44 Forest Grove  OR   19:48.6  6:23 11:00:15  78.25        0:29.8     0:33.9              1          2 
    4   720 Andrew Walker           33 M   1/11   M30-34 Warrenton     OR   21:31.0  6:56 11:00:15  60.65        1:42.4     2:16.3              1         11 
    5   505 Finnegan Andrews        24 M   2/2    M20-24 Vancouver     WA   23:59.5  7:44 11:00:15  53.77        2:28.5     4:44.8              1          5 
    6   588 Pete Hansen             57 M   1/3    M55-59 Forest Grove  OR   24:25.1  7:52 11:00:15  64.03        0:25.6     5:10.4              2          2 
    7   529 Josiah Burson           26 M   1/5    M25-29 Astoria       OR   24:36.0  7:56 11:00:15  52.44        0:10.9     5:21.3              1         41 
    8   501 Kate Albrechtsen        10 F   1/31   F01-10 Nehalem       OR   24:52.1  8:01 11:00:15  68.63        0:16.1     5:37.4              1         11 
    9   699 Juna Stewart            10 F   2/31   F01-10 Nehalem       OR   25:26.3  8:12 11:00:15  67.09        0:34.2     6:11.6              2         11 
   10   643 Phil Malmstadt          53 M   1/3    M50-54 Chinook       WA   25:38.7  8:16 11:00:15  58.95        0:12.4     6:24.0              1          2 
   11   567 Alison Duer             39 F   1/25   F35-39 Seaside       OR   25:47.0  8:18 11:00:15  58.95        0:08.3     6:32.3              1         20 
   12   601 Jeff Hernandez          41 M   1/13   M40-44 Astoria       OR   26:02.8  8:23 11:00:15  52.79        0:15.8     6:48.1              2         41 
   13   674 Zachary Renfro          28 M   2/5    M25-29 Vancouver     WA   26:41.5  8:36 11:00:15  48.33        0:38.7     7:26.8              2          5 
   14   668 Jason Prince            48 M   1/4    M45-49 Tillamook     OR   26:43.6  8:37 11:00:15  54.32        0:02.1     7:28.9              1          2 
   15   562 Shea Dillon             36 M   1/8    M35-39 Beaverton     OR   27:13.4  8:46 11:00:15  48.73        0:29.8     7:58.7              1          6 
   16   644 Sophie Mason            34 F   1/14   F30-34 Portland      OR   28:12.1  9:05 11:00:15  52.84        0:58.7     8:57.4              1         27 
   17   711 Michelle Tobey          35 F   2/25   F35-39 Beaverton     OR   28:20.1  9:08 11:00:15  52.76        0:08.0     9:05.4              2          6 
   18   703 Daniel Taylor           50 M   2/3    M50-54 Seaside       OR   28:20.7  9:08 11:00:15  52.04        0:00.6     9:06.0              2         20 
   19   659 Hayley Nakamichi        26 F   1/15   F25-29 Tualatin      OR   28:28.6  9:10 11:00:15  51.97        0:07.9     9:13.9              1          1 
   20   580 Sam Gerendasy           31 M   2/11   M30-34 Beaverton     OR   28:34.5  9:12 11:00:15  45.38        0:05.9     9:19.8              3          6 
   21   507 Samuel Arnold           26 M   3/5    M25-29 Longview      WA   28:44.0  9:15 11:00:15  44.90        0:09.5     9:29.3              1          2 
   22   526 Scott Brimacombe        34 M   3/11   M30-34 Seattle       WA   29:44.5  9:35 11:00:15  44.10        1:00.5    10:29.8              1          2 
   23   706 Ian Teeter              10 M   1/10   M01-10 Astoria       OR   29:57.8  9:39 11:00:15  52.68        0:13.3    10:43.1              3         41 
   24   521 August Benoit           10 M   2/10   M01-10 Astoria       OR   29:57.8  9:39 11:00:15  52.68                  10:43.1              4         41 
   25   707 John Teeter             44 M   2/13   M40-44 Astoria       OR   30:20.1  9:46 11:00:15  46.37        0:22.3    11:05.4              5         41 
   26   323 Fiona Dunlop            17 F   1/1    F15-19 The Dalles    OR   30:28.8  9:49 11:00:15  49.60        0:08.7    11:14.1              1          1 
   27   215 Elizabeth Tapin         20 F   1/2    F20-24 Astoria       OR   30:30.6  9:50 11:00:15  48.51        0:01.8    11:15.9              6         41 
   28   685 Michael Ryan            48 M   2/4    M45-49 Seattle       WA   30:31.3  9:50 11:00:15  47.56        0:00.7    11:16.6              2          2 
   29   683 Tiffany Ruppaner        30 F   2/14   F30-34 Kalama        WA   30:38.4  9:52 11:00:15  48.30        0:07.1    11:23.7              1          2 
   30   584 Jonathan Hall           39 M   2/8    M35-39 Ridgefield    WA   30:42.8  9:54 11:00:15  44.12        0:04.4    11:28.1              1          2 
   31   669 Kristi Prince           51 F   1/14   F50-54 Tillamook     OR   30:44.3  9:54 11:00:15  55.20        0:01.5    11:29.6              2          2 
   32   734 Trey Hegeman            58 M   2/3    M55-59 Astoria       OR   30:51.9  9:57 11:00:15  51.09        0:07.6    11:37.2              7         41 
   33   539 Milena Christensen      11 F   1/2    F11-14 Bay City      OR   31:04.2 10:00 11:00:15  53.54        0:12.3    11:49.5              1          2 
   34   618 Amity Kirkland          37 F   3/25   F35-39 Pendleton     OR   31:12.6 10:03 11:00:15  48.22        0:08.4    11:57.9              1          1 
   35   623 Harvey Kohlhas           9 M   3/10   M01-10 Astoria       OR   31:29.7 10:09 11:00:15  51.91        0:17.1    12:15.0              8         41 
   36   624 Joseph Kohlhas          42 M   3/13   M40-44 Astoria       OR   31:33.0 10:10 11:00:15  43.90        0:03.3    12:18.3              9         41 
   37   511 Miles Burnham           34 M   4/11   M30-34 Stayton       OR   31:39.7 10:12 11:00:00  41.43        0:06.7    12:25.0              1          1 
   38   663 Robert Pena             27 M   4/5    M25-29 Seaside       OR   31:50.8 10:16 11:00:15  40.51        0:11.1    12:36.1              3         20 
   39   639 Autumn Loscar           27 F   2/15   F25-29 Salem         OR   31:54.0 10:17 11:00:15  46.40        0:03.2    12:39.3              2          4 
   40   648 Braelyn Mills           10 F   3/31   F01-10 Garibaldi     OR   32:05.0 10:20 11:00:15  53.20        0:11.0    12:50.3              1          1 
   41   712 Ashley Toutain          37 F   4/25   F35-39 Portland      OR   32:08.1 10:21 11:00:15  46.83        0:03.1    12:53.4              2         27 
   42   555 Tristan Cummins         41 M   4/13   M40-44 Canby         OR   32:27.0 10:27 11:00:15  42.37        0:18.9    13:12.3              1          2 
   43   554 Jessica Cummins         34 F   3/14   F30-34 Canby         OR   32:27.9 10:27 11:00:15  45.90        0:00.9    13:13.2              2          2 
   44   561 Melany Desrochers       37 F   5/25   F35-39 Portland      OR   32:38.4 10:31 11:00:15  46.11        0:10.5    13:23.7              3         27 
   45   535 Elliott Campos          10 M   4/10   M01-10 Seaside       OR   33:06.5 10:40 11:00:15  47.67        0:28.1    13:51.8              4         20 
   46   617 Maryellen Kiffe         49 F   1/9    F45-49 Cannon Beach  OR   33:09.6 10:41 11:00:15  49.96        0:03.1    13:54.9              1          7 
   47   520 Sawyer Bennett          10 F   4/31   F01-10 Nehalem       OR   33:21.7 10:45 11:00:15  51.16        0:12.1    14:07.0              3         11 
   48   506 Jennifer Arnold         25 F   3/15   F25-29 Longview      WA   33:39.7 10:51 11:00:15  43.97        0:18.0    14:25.0              2          2 
   49   690 Brenda Sanchez          33 F   4/14   F30-34 Saint Helens  OR   33:40.0 10:51 11:00:15  44.16        0:00.3    14:25.3              1          5 
   50   559 Nichole Dawson          29 F   4/15   F25-29 Saint Helens  OR   33:42.3 10:51 11:00:15  43.91        0:02.3    14:27.6              2          5 
   51   651 Gregory Minor           41 M   5/13   M40-44 Portland      OR   33:52.7 10:55 11:00:15  40.59        0:10.4    14:38.0              4         27 
   52   691 Ravi Sarma              35 M   3/8    M35-39 Portland      OR   33:55.6 10:56 11:00:15  38.86        0:02.9    14:40.9              5         27 
   53   602 Monica Hernandez        41 F   2/13   F40-44 Astoria       OR   34:06.6 10:59 11:00:15  45.10        0:11.0    14:51.9             10         41 
   54   642 Ashley MacQuarrie       36 F   6/25   F35-39 Beaverton     OR   34:07.1 10:59 11:00:15  43.97        0:00.5    14:52.4              4          6 
   55   692 Vinessa Sarma           28 F   5/15   F25-29 Portland      OR   34:13.3 11:01 11:00:15  43.25        0:06.2    14:58.6              6         27 
   56   502 Molly Albrechtsen       10 F   5/31   F01-10 Nehalem       OR   34:14.3 11:02 11:00:15  49.85        0:01.0    14:59.6              4         11 
   57   628 Ryan Lande              38 M   4/8    M35-39 Toledo        OR   34:38.6 11:10 11:00:15  38.83        0:24.3    15:23.9              1          3 
   58   627 Avery Lande              9 M   5/10   M01-10 Toledo        OR   34:39.9 11:10 11:00:15  47.17        0:01.3    15:25.2              2          3 
   59   619 Amanda Kmetz            33 F   5/14   F30-34 Columbus      OH   35:19.8 11:23 11:00:15  42.08        0:39.9    16:05.1              1          1 
   60   727 Denise Weiss            46 F   2/9    F45-49 Rockaway Beac OR   36:06.7 11:38 11:00:15  44.40        0:46.9    16:52.0              1          5 
   61   646 Sean McDonald           33 M   5/11   M30-34 Kalama        WA   36:14.2 11:40 11:00:15  36.01        0:07.5    16:59.5              2          2 
   62   594 William Hearing          9 M   6/10   M01-10 Cannon Beach  OR   36:40.1 11:49 11:00:15  44.59        0:25.9    17:25.4              2          7 
   63   653 Greg Montgomery         39 M   5/8    M35-39 Seaside       OR   36:51.2 11:52 11:00:15  36.77        0:11.1    17:36.5              5         20 
   64   572 Crystal Evans           44 F   3/13   F40-44 Seaside       OR   36:51.5 11:52 11:00:15  42.69        0:00.3    17:36.8              6         20 
   65   590 Jeremy Hatch            30 M   6/11   M30-34 Kent          WA   37:02.9 11:56 11:00:15  34.91        0:11.4    17:48.2              1          3 
   66   571 Scarlett Engstrom       10 F   6/31   F01-10 Nehalem       OR   37:22.1 12:02 11:00:15  45.67        0:19.2    18:07.4              5         11 
   67   605 Vicky Hirsch            54 F   2/14   F50-54 Pacific City  OR   37:22.1 12:02 11:00:15  47.19                  18:07.4              1          1 
   68   585 Kristina Hamer          48 F   3/9    F45-49 Castle Rock   WA   37:45.0 12:09 11:00:15  43.36        0:22.9    18:30.3              1          2 
   69   528 Claire Brumbaugh-Smith  29 F   6/15   F25-29 Portland      OR   37:46.3 12:10 11:00:15  39.18        0:01.3    18:31.6              7         27 
   70   563 Alana Dohren            41 F   4/13   F40-44 Newberg       OR   38:01.0 12:15 11:00:15  40.47        0:14.7    18:46.3              1          1 
   71   583 Annemarie Hall          38 F   7/25   F35-39 Ridgefield    WA   38:21.9 12:21 11:00:15  39.45        0:20.9    19:07.2              2          2 
   72   634 Meaghan Leahy           36 F   8/25   F35-39 Beaverton     OR   38:31.2 12:24 11:00:15  38.94        0:09.3    19:16.5              5          6 
   73   698 Rebecca Sprengeler      23 F   2/2    F20-24 Astoria       OR   38:32.3 12:25 11:00:15  38.40        0:01.1    19:17.6             11         41 
   74   593 Maeve Hayden            27 F   7/15   F25-29 Portland      OR   38:52.2 12:31 11:00:15  38.08        0:19.9    19:37.5              8         27 
   75   573 Anna Finch              28 F   8/15   F25-29 Portland      OR   38:53.7 12:32 11:00:15  38.05        0:01.5    19:39.0              9         27 
   76   513 Ellie Barrington        39 F   9/25   F35-39 Eugene        OR   39:04.0 12:35 11:00:15  38.91        0:10.3    19:49.3              1          3 
   77   662 Kailiana Norman         10 F   7/31   F01-10 Seaside       OR   39:04.3 12:35 11:00:15  43.68        0:00.3    19:49.6              7         20 
   78   514 Murphy Barrington        9 M   7/10   M01-10 Eugene        OR   39:04.5 12:35 11:00:15  41.84        0:00.2    19:49.8              2          3 
   79   515 Sean Barrington         40 M   6/13   M40-44 Eugene        OR   39:05.3 12:35 11:00:15  34.92        0:00.8    19:50.6              3          3 
   80   710 Jayden Tinoco           11 M   2/3    M11-14 Seaside       OR   39:05.7 12:35 11:00:15  39.14        0:00.4    19:51.0              8         20 
   81   614 Brittney Johnston       32 F   6/14   F30-34 Warrenton     OR   39:40.4 12:47 11:00:15  37.39        0:34.7    20:25.7              2         11 
   82   682 Stephanie Roy           37 F  10/25   F35-39 Union         OR   39:52.2 12:50 11:00:15  37.75        0:11.8    20:37.5              1          2 
   83   596 Eric Hedges             53 M   3/3    M50-54 Lake Stevens  WA   39:58.7 12:53 11:00:15  37.81        0:06.5    20:44.0              1          2 
   84   553 Julie Crays             49 F   4/9    F45-49 Hillsboro     OR   40:19.5 12:59 11:00:15  41.08        0:20.8    21:04.8              1          3 
   85   709 Trina Thiel             29 F   9/15   F25-29 Bellingham    WA   40:31.8 13:03 11:00:15  36.52        0:12.3    21:17.1              1          2 
   86   708 Tim Thiel               31 M   7/11   M30-34 Bellingham    WA   40:33.1 13:04 11:00:15  31.98        0:01.3    21:18.4              2          2 
   87   666 Prudence Pierce          8 F   8/31   F01-10 Astoria       OR   40:41.4 13:06 11:00:15  44.52        0:08.3    21:26.7             12         41 
   88   665 Cameron Pierce          34 M   8/11   M30-34 Astoria       OR   40:42.0 13:06 11:00:15  32.23        0:00.6    21:27.3             13         41 
   89   676 Carrie Richmond         52 F   3/14   F50-54 Vancouver     WA   40:47.9 13:08 11:00:15  42.12        0:05.9    21:33.2              3          5 
   90   702 Amelia Taylor           25 F  10/15   F25-29 Astoria       OR   40:58.1 13:12 11:00:15  36.13        0:10.2    21:43.4             14         41 
   91   519 Micah Bell              25 M   5/5    M25-29 Astoria       OR   40:59.7 13:12 11:00:15  31.47        0:01.6    21:45.0             15         41 
   92   729 Halley Wunder           37 F  11/25   F35-39 Oregon City   OR   41:01.3 13:13 11:00:15  36.69        0:01.6    21:46.6              1          1 
   93   599 Sara Henning-Stout      36 F  12/25   F35-39 Portland      OR   41:01.7 13:13 11:00:15  36.56        0:00.4    21:47.0             10         27 
   94   537 Ryan Carpenter          47 M   3/4    M45-49 Monmouth      OR   41:05.4 13:14 11:00:15  35.05        0:03.7    21:50.7              1          2 
   95   600 Adrienne Hernandez       9 F   9/31   F01-10 Astoria       OR   41:15.0 13:17 11:00:15  42.55        0:09.6    22:00.3             16         41 
   96   558 Harper Dart-Mclean      10 F  10/31   F01-10 Astoria       OR   41:16.6 13:18 11:00:15  41.35        0:01.6    22:01.9             17         41 
   97   524 Sierra Bittinger        33 F   7/14   F30-34 Portland      OR   41:24.5 13:20 11:00:15  35.90        0:07.9    22:09.8             11         27 
   98   576 Shawn Flynn             45 M   4/4    M45-49 Seaside       OR   41:33.8 13:23 11:00:15  34.13        0:09.3    22:19.1              9         20 
   99   650 Dana Minor              49 F   5/9    F45-49 Portland      OR   41:35.8 13:24 11:00:15  39.83        0:02.0    22:21.1             12         27 
  100   579 Kim George              37 F  13/25   F35-39 Union         OR   41:43.6 13:26 11:00:15  36.07        0:07.8    22:28.9              2          2 
  101   575 Olivia Flynn             7 F  11/31   F01-10 Seaside       OR   41:45.1 13:27 11:00:15  44.95        0:01.5    22:30.4             10         20 
  102   534 Anikah Campos            6 F  12/31   F01-10 Seaside       OR   41:48.7 13:28 11:00:15  46.72        0:03.6    22:34.0             11         20 
  103   719 Carrie Walden           27 F  11/15   F25-29 Seaside       OR   41:51.2 13:29 11:00:15  35.36        0:02.5    22:36.5             12         20 
  104   533 Jenny Cadigan           38 F  14/25   F35-39 Corvallis     OR   41:58.0 13:31 11:00:15  36.06        0:06.8    22:43.3              1          2 
  105   577 Anna Fredrickson        34 F   8/14   F30-34 Hendersonvill NC   42:02.6 13:32 11:00:15  35.44        0:04.6    22:47.9              1          1 
  106   591 Misty Hatch             55 F   1/7    F55-59 Kent          WA   42:36.6 13:43 11:00:15  41.93        0:34.0    23:21.9              2          3 
  107   589 Daniel Hatch            55 M   3/3    M55-59 Kent          WA   42:38.5 13:44 11:00:15  36.04        0:01.9    23:23.8              3          3 
  108   629 Chelsea Larson          35 F  15/25   F35-39 Portland      OR   42:45.7 13:46 11:00:15  34.96        0:07.2    23:31.0             13         27 
  109   630 Joel Larson             32 M   9/11   M30-34 Portland      OR   42:48.9 13:47 11:00:15  30.36        0:03.2    23:34.2             14         27 
  110   748 Riki Irie               39 F  16/25   F35-39 Astoria       OR   42:59.2 13:51 11:00:15  35.36        0:10.3    23:44.5             18         41 
  111   517 Emerald Beanland        36 F  17/25   F35-39 Hillsboro     OR   43:28.8 14:00 11:00:15  34.50        0:29.6    24:14.1              2          3 
  112   525 Derrick Black           41 M   7/13   M40-44 Portland      OR   43:29.7 14:00 11:00:15  31.61        0:00.9    24:15.0             15         27 
  113   518 Summer Beanland         37 F  18/25   F35-39 Portland      OR   43:29.8 14:00 11:00:15  34.60        0:00.1    24:15.1             16         27 
  114   568 Breeze Duvall           28 F  12/15   F25-29 Rockaway Beac OR   44:18.2 14:16 11:00:15  33.41        0:48.4    25:03.5              2          5 
  115   731 Jacob Yoder             35 M   6/8    M35-39 Rockaway Beac OR   44:18.2 14:16 11:00:15  29.76                  25:03.5              3          5 
  116   713 Tamara Townsend-Hoffman 58 F   2/7    F55-59 Vancouver     WA   45:06.7 14:32 11:00:15  41.23        0:48.5    25:52.0              4          5 
  117   695 Karen Schumacher        58 F   3/7    F55-59 Elma          WA   45:12.2 14:33 11:00:15  41.15        0:05.5    25:57.5              1          1 
  118   678 Maranda Rivera          28 F  13/15   F25-29 Port Orchard  WA   45:13.0 14:34 11:00:15  32.73        0:00.8    25:58.3              2          3 
  119   566 Marissa Dryden          28 F  14/15   F25-29 Port Orchard  WA   45:13.2 14:34 11:00:15  32.73        0:00.2    25:58.5              3          3 
  120   728 Karla Winslow           51 F   4/14   F50-54 Gig Harbor    WA   45:13.7 14:34 11:00:15  37.51        0:00.5    25:59.0              1          1 
  121   626 Ashley Lande            36 F  19/25   F35-39 Toledo        OR   45:16.1 14:35 11:00:15  33.14        0:02.4    26:01.4              3          3 
  122   705 Aprille Teeter          36 F  20/25   F35-39 Portland      OR   45:24.9 14:38 11:00:15  33.03        0:08.8    26:10.2             17         27 
  123   687 Aradhya Sajit           10 F  13/31   F01-10 Rockaway Beac OR   45:26.0 14:38 11:00:15  37.56        0:01.1    26:11.3              4          5 
  124   598 Rachel Hendershot       36 F  21/25   F35-39 Portland      OR   45:32.9 14:40 11:00:15  32.93        0:06.9    26:18.2             18         27 
  125   540 Sarah Christensen       41 F   5/13   F40-44 Bay City      OR   45:34.0 14:40 11:00:15  33.76        0:01.1    26:19.3              2          2 
  126   608 Cedar Horton            30 F   9/14   F30-34 Saint Helens  OR   45:36.3 14:41 11:00:15  32.45        0:02.3    26:21.6              3          5 
  127   597 Logan Hendershot        35 M   7/8    M35-39 Portland      OR   45:38.0 14:42 11:00:15  28.89        0:01.7    26:23.3             19         27 
  128   606 Jennifer Holm           54 F   5/14   F50-54 Nehalem       OR   45:41.5 14:43 11:00:15  38.59        0:03.5    26:26.8              6         11 
  129   686 Billiejean Sagee        51 F   6/14   F50-54 Bremerton     WA   46:59.3 15:08 11:00:15  36.11        1:17.8    27:44.6              1          2 
  130   697 Melissa Smith           49 F   6/9    F45-49 Astoria       OR   47:00.5 15:08 11:00:15  35.24        0:01.2    27:45.8             19         41 
  131   681 Gabriele Ross           64 F   1/6    F60-64 Portland      OR   47:22.1 15:15 11:00:15  42.79        0:21.6    28:07.4             20         27 
  132   546 Sydney Cope              8 F  14/31   F01-10 Astoria       OR   47:27.7 15:17 11:00:15  38.17        0:05.6    28:13.0             20         41 
  133   545 Nicole Cope             42 F   6/13   F40-44 Astoria       OR   47:29.1 15:18 11:00:15  32.64        0:01.4    28:14.4             21         41 
  134   670 Ellison Radway          10 F  15/31   F01-10 Warrenton     OR   47:30.0 15:18 11:00:15  35.93        0:00.9    28:15.3              3         11 
  135   550 Genevieve Coulter        9 F  16/31   F01-10 Cannon Beach  OR   47:30.2 15:18 11:00:15  36.95        0:00.2    28:15.5              3          7 
  136   725 Nichole Warwick         43 F   7/13   F40-44 Astoria       OR   48:15.2 15:32 11:00:15  32.37        0:45.0    29:00.5             22         41 
  137   722 Emily Warwick            8 F  17/31   F01-10 Astoria       OR   48:17.3 15:33 11:00:15  37.52        0:02.1    29:02.6             23         41 
  138   688 Ian Salcido              7 M   8/10   M01-10 Cannon Beach  OR   48:21.7 15:34 11:00:15  36.81        0:04.4    29:07.0              4          7 
  139   693 Tamara Schaefer         66 F   1/3    F65-69 Powell Butte  OR   48:59.7 15:47 11:00:15  42.66        0:38.0    29:45.0              1          1 
  140   504 Lorin Anderson          33 M  10/11   M30-34 Astoria       OR   49:20.7 15:53 11:00:15  26.45        0:21.0    30:06.0             24         41 
  141   503 Emma Anderson           34 F  10/14   F30-34 Astoria       OR   49:22.2 15:54 11:00:15  30.18        0:01.5    30:07.5             25         41 
  142   530 Mary Lou Busch          73 F   1/1    F70-74 Mist          OR   49:58.1 16:05 11:00:15  46.86        0:35.9    30:43.4              1          1 
  143   543 Trishanna Collins       50 F   7/14   F50-54 Saint Helens  OR   49:58.7 16:06 11:00:15  33.55        0:00.6    30:44.0              4          5 
  144   657 Shannon Mulcahy-Hill    41 F   8/13   F40-44 Nehalem       OR   50:17.2 16:12 11:00:15  30.59        0:18.5    31:02.5              7         11 
  145   654 Belen Morales Castaneda 10 F  18/31   F01-10 Seaside       OR   50:18.8 16:12 11:00:15  33.92        0:01.6    31:04.1             13         20 
  146   649 Kristi Mills            52 F   8/14   F50-54 Manzanita     OR   50:48.2 16:22 11:00:15  33.82        0:29.4    31:33.5              1          4 
  147   549 Amelia Coulter           6 F  19/31   F01-10 Cannon Beach  OR   50:55.7 16:24 11:00:15  38.35        0:07.5    31:41.0              5          7 
  148   548 Sophia Cording          44 F   9/13   F40-44 Seaside       OR   50:56.7 16:24 11:00:15  30.88        0:01.0    31:42.0             14         20 
  149   631 Tricia Larson           54 F   9/14   F50-54 Albany        OR   50:58.5 16:25 11:00:15  34.59        0:01.8    31:43.8              1          2 
  150   523 Lucy Benoit              8 F  20/31   F01-10 Astoria       OR   51:24.6 16:33 11:00:15  35.24        0:26.1    32:09.9             26         41 
  151   522 Daniel Benoit           40 M   8/13   M40-44 Astoria       OR   51:25.9 16:34 11:00:15  26.54        0:01.3    32:11.2             27         41 
  152   611 Geralyn Hurney          61 F   2/6    F60-64 Astoria       OR   51:45.9 16:40 11:00:15  37.48        0:20.0    32:31.2             28         41 
  153   570 Derek Ellis             40 M   9/13   M40-44 Corvallis     OR   52:01.0 16:45 11:00:15  26.24        0:15.1    32:46.3              2          2 
  154   565 Fynn Draper              6 M   9/10   M01-10 Rockaway Beac OR   52:13.0 16:49 11:00:15  35.81        0:12.0    32:58.3              5          5 
  155   536 Valeena Campos          33 F  11/14   F30-34 Seaside       OR   52:17.2 16:50 11:00:15  28.43        0:04.2    33:02.5             15         20 
  156   735 M K Gorny               58 F   4/7    F55-59 Astoria       OR   52:52.1 17:01 11:00:15  35.18        0:34.9    33:37.4             29         41 
  157   696 Stella Scovel           10 F  21/31   F01-10 Nehalem       OR   53:02.9 17:05 11:00:15  32.17        0:10.8    33:48.2              8         11 
  158   547 Coco Cording            10 F  22/31   F01-10 Seaside       OR   53:11.3 17:08 11:00:15  32.09        0:08.4    33:56.6             16         20 
  159   673 Tayler Reinert           8 F  23/31   F01-10 Manzanita     OR   53:12.0 17:08 11:00:15  34.05        0:00.7    33:57.3              2          4 
  160   732 Ella Jessen              9 F  24/31   F01-10 Astoria       OR   53:34.0 17:15 11:00:15  32.76        0:22.0    34:19.3             30         41 
  161   733 Lisa Jessen             50 F  10/14   F50-54 Astoria       OR   53:36.6 17:16 11:00:15  31.28        0:02.6    34:21.9             31         41 
  162   557 Taylor Dann             36 F  22/25   F35-39 Seaside       OR   53:40.1 17:17 11:00:15  27.95        0:03.5    34:25.4             17         20 
  163   556 Ryan Dann               42 M  10/13   M40-44 Seaside       OR   53:42.6 17:18 11:00:15  25.79        0:02.5    34:27.9             18         20 
  164   715 Becky Van Maanen        64 F   3/6    F60-64 Hillsboro     OR   53:52.1 17:21 11:00:15  37.62        0:09.5    34:37.4              3          3 
  165   564 Hillary Dovel           51 F  11/14   F50-54 Saint Helens  OR   53:58.2 17:23 11:00:15  31.44        0:06.1    34:43.5              5          5 
  166   637 Sabrina Lincoln         42 F  10/13   F40-44 Vancouver     WA   54:06.0 17:25 11:00:15  28.65        0:07.8    34:51.3              5          5 
  167   694 Krystal Schriner        38 F  23/25   F35-39 Wood Village  OR   54:14.2 17:28 11:00:15  27.90        0:08.2    34:59.5              1          1 
  168   661 Leif Nielson             9 M  10/10   M01-10 Portland      OR   54:22.2 17:30 11:00:15  30.07        0:08.0    35:07.5             21         27 
  169   552 Hidi Crape              45 F   7/9    F45-49 Clatskanie    OR   54:29.9 17:33 11:00:15  29.15        0:07.7    35:15.2              1          2 
  170   723 James Warwick           11 M   3/3    M11-14 Astoria       OR   54:30.8 17:33 11:00:15  28.07        0:00.9    35:16.1             32         41 
  171   551 Casey Crape             46 F   8/9    F45-49 Clatskanie    OR   54:32.1 17:34 11:00:15  29.40        0:01.3    35:17.4              2          2 
  172   516 Caitlin Barwick         31 F  12/14   F30-34 Happy Valley  OR   54:35.2 17:35 11:00:15  27.14        0:03.1    35:20.5              1          1 
  173   724 Joseph Warwick          41 M  11/13   M40-44 Astoria       OR   54:36.4 17:35 11:00:15  25.18        0:01.2    35:21.7             33         41 
  174   607 Trinity Holser          10 F  25/31   F01-10 Arch Cape     OR   54:43.0 17:37 11:00:15  31.19        0:06.6    35:28.3              1          1 
  175   625 Kaya Kosharek           10 F  26/31   F01-10 Wheeler       OR   54:52.9 17:40 11:00:15  31.10        0:09.9    35:38.2              1          2 
  176   613 Sophia Johnson           9 F  27/31   F01-10 Manzanita     OR   54:54.8 17:41 11:00:15  31.96        0:01.9    35:40.1              3          4 
  177   721 Chloe Ward              11 F   2/2    F11-14 Nehalem       OR   54:55.1 17:41 11:00:15  30.29        0:00.3    35:40.4              9         11 
  178   527 Adaya Brown              9 F  28/31   F01-10 Seaside       OR   54:59.8 17:43 11:00:15  31.91        0:04.7    35:45.1             19         20 
  179   544 Colbie Conner           10 F  29/31   F01-10 Manzanita     OR   55:00.9 17:43 11:00:15  31.02        0:01.1    35:46.2              4          4 
  180   578 Alicia Garrcia Barragan  9 F  30/31   F01-10 Nehalem       OR   55:03.6 17:44 11:00:15  31.88        0:02.7    35:48.9             10         11 
  181   714 Kris Troutman           54 F  12/14   F50-54 Nehalem       OR   55:14.7 17:47 11:00:15  31.92        0:11.1    36:00.0             11         11 
  182   645 Meghan McClain          36 F  24/25   F35-39 Portland      OR   56:04.5 18:03 11:00:15  26.75        0:49.8    36:49.8             22         27 
  183   679 Becky Robison           58 F   5/7    F55-59 Salem         OR   58:09.3 18:44 11:00:15  31.98        2:04.8    38:54.6              3          4 
  184   581 Kryss Gilinsky          35 M   8/8    M35-39 Warrenton     OR   58:58.5 18:59 11:00:15  22.35        0:49.2    39:43.8              4         11 
  185   636 Sara Lillevand          55 F   6/7    F55-59 Oakland       CA   59:33.6 19:11 11:00:15  30.00        0:35.1    40:18.9              1          1 
  186   609 Holli Howard-Carpenter  43 F  11/13   F40-44 Monmouth      OR   59:35.1 19:11 11:00:15  26.21        0:01.5    40:20.4              2          2 
  187   610 Melody Hughes           48 F   9/9    F45-49 Naselle       WA   59:47.3 19:15 11:00:15  27.38        0:12.2    40:32.6              1          1 
  188   718 Heidi Waisanen          42 F  12/13   F40-44 Astoria       OR   59:48.6 19:16 11:00:15  25.91        0:01.3    40:33.9             34         41 
  189   726 Matthew Wastradowski    40 M  12/13   M40-44 Portland      OR 1:00:13.7 19:24 11:00:15  22.66        0:25.1    40:59.0             23         27 
  190   612 Amanda Jenkins          34 F  13/14   F30-34 Warrenton     OR 1:00:17.5 19:25 11:00:15  24.71        0:03.8    41:02.8              5         11 
  191   508 Hannah Baker            32 F  14/14   F30-34 Wheeler       OR 1:00:22.3 19:26 11:00:15  24.57        0:04.8    41:07.6              2          2 
  192   509 Gracie Barker            7 F  31/31   F01-10 Cannon Beach  OR 1:01:25.3 19:47 11:00:15  30.55        1:03.0    42:10.6              6          7 
  193   717 Jennifer Voss           58 F   7/7    F55-59 Turner        OR 1:02:19.2 20:04 11:00:15  29.85        0:53.9    43:04.5              1          1 
  194   647 Debi Melton             60 F   4/6    F60-64 Salem         OR 1:02:21.5 20:05 11:00:15  30.68        0:02.3    43:06.8              4          4 
  195   677 Amy Rider               53 F  13/14   F50-54 Seaside       OR 1:02:37.8 20:10 11:00:15  27.81        0:16.3    43:23.1             20         20 
  196   510 Maria Barker            52 F  14/14   F50-54 Cannon Beach  OR 1:02:39.6 20:11 11:00:15  27.42        0:01.8    43:24.9              7          7 
  197   641 Andrea Mack             63 F   5/6    F60-64 Long Beach    WA 1:05:24.2 21:04 11:00:15  30.53        2:44.6    46:09.5              1          1 
  198   656 Tom Mott                63 M   1/1    M60-64 Ilwaco        WA 1:06:52.3 21:32 11:00:15  24.62        1:28.1    47:37.6              1          2 
  199   582 Jessica Grove           39 F  25/25   F35-39 Deer Park     WA 1:07:00.6 21:35 11:00:15  22.68        0:08.3    47:45.9              1          1 
  200   604 Lisa Herr               63 F   6/6    F60-64 Warrenton     OR 1:07:11.0 21:38 11:00:15  29.72        0:10.4    47:56.3              6         11 
  201   569 Andrea Edwards          68 F   2/3    F65-69 Woodland      WA 1:07:11.6 21:38 11:00:15  32.07        0:00.6    47:56.9              1          1 
  202   603 Larry Herr              65 M   1/1    M65-69 Westlake      OR 1:07:12.4 21:38 11:00:15  24.95        0:00.8    47:57.7              1          1 
  203   655 Terri Mott              65 F   3/3    F65-69 Ilwaco        WA 1:08:33.6 22:05 11:00:15  30.02        1:21.2    49:18.9              2          2 
  204   538 Sara Charhon            44 F  13/13   F40-44 Renton        WA 1:17:16.0 24:53 11:00:15  20.36        8:42.4    58:01.3              1          2 
  205   664 Kaytlyn Perin           29 F  15/15   F25-29 Auburn        WA 1:17:16.8 24:53 11:00:15  19.15        0:00.8    58:02.1              1          2 
  206   701 Jason Tate              30 M  11/11   M30-34 Auburn        WA 1:17:29.4 24:57 11:00:15  16.69        0:12.6    58:14.7              2          2 
  207   675 John Richards           44 M  13/13   M40-44 Renton        WA 1:17:31.7 24:58 11:00:15  18.14        0:02.3    58:17.0              2          2