2023 Cascade Lakes Relay

Result File

                                                            Cascade Lakes Relay
                        Presented by Cascade Relays
                    Diamond Lake to Bend    06/23/2023
                     Results By Eclectic Edge Racing 
                      Leg 1 Time Trial Results          

Place No.   Teamname                                           Start Time  Category             Time    Pace     
===== ===== ================================================== =========== ==================== ======= ===== 
    1   940 Gray Fleet                                         9:40 AM     Masters - Mens         44:00  5:59 
    2   904 Slow Children At Play                              9:00 AM     Open - Mixed           46:17  6:18 
    3   942 Sasquatch Track Club                               9:40 AM     Open - Mixed           46:40  6:21 
    4   826 The Performance Enhancing Small Molecules          8:20 AM     Corporate              47:45  6:30 
    5   843 Sons Of Vanarchy                                   8:40 AM     Open - Mixed           48:35  6:36 
    6   902 Cascade Cakes                                      9:40 AM     Open - Mixed           48:47  6:38 
    7   943 Fellowship Of The Run                              9:40 AM     Elite - Mixed          49:03  6:40 
    8   746 Reformed Runners                                   7:40 AM     Open - Mixed           49:38  6:45 
    9   729 Black Malts                                        7:20 AM     Submasters - Mixed     49:49  6:47 
   10   944 Godo                                               9:40 AM     Open - Mixed           50:25  6:51 
   11   903 Que Sera Seran                                     9:00 AM     Corporate              51:18  6:59 
   12   723 Cincinnati Bowties                                 7:20 AM     Open - Mixed           51:59  7:04 
   13   734 2000 Run: A Pace Odyssey                           7:20 AM     Open - Mixed           52:34  7:09 
   14   820 This Isn't A Fishing Trip?                         8:20 AM     Submasters - Mixed     53:42  7:18 
   15   941 Wolfpack - Formerly Worst Pace Scenario            9:40 AM     Open - Mixed           53:48  7:19 
   16   806 Team Gofast!                                       8:00 AM     Open - Mixed           54:38  7:26 
   17   748 Rock & Rollerz                                     7:40 AM     Corporate              54:50  7:28 
   18   726 Where's Waldo Lake                                 7:20 AM     Open - Mixed           55:21  7:32 
   19   825 The Lazy Susans                                    8:20 AM     Open - Mixed           55:28  7:33 
   20   901 Seis Amigos                                        9:00 AM     Ultra - Mixed          56:35  7:42 
   21   827 Tyler Swift And & The Blue Bubbles                 8:20 AM     Open - Mixed           56:36  7:42 
   22   824 Here For The Free Shirt                            8:40 AM     Open - Mixed           56:39  7:42 
   23   842 Run Fast Slocum                                    8:40 AM     Corporate              57:04  7:46 
   24   840 Dragons!                                           8:40 AM     Open - Mixed           57:30  7:49 
   25   727 Beer & Loathing In Fort Rock                       7:20 AM     Open - Mixed           57:40  7:51 
   26   800 Scrambled Legs And Achin                           8:00 AM     Open - Mixed           57:42  7:51 
   27   733 Over Committed Under Prepared                      7:20 AM     Open - Mixed           57:55  7:53 
   28   713 Brewed Crew                                        7:00 AM     Open - Mixed           58:05  7:54 
   29   730 The Pae: Tempo Tantrums                            7:20 AM     Corporate              58:10  7:55 
   30   722 The End Is Beer                                    7:20 AM     Submasters - Mixed     58:15  7:55 
   31   707 Pain In The Butte                                  7:00 AM     Corporate              58:19  7:56 
   32   649 Anchor Legs                                        6:40 AM     Open - Mixed           58:21  7:56 
   33   629 The Pain Train                                     6:20 AM     Open - Mixed           58:28  7:57 
   34   620 Grand Larseny                                      6:20 AM     Open - Mixed           58:30  7:57 
   35   702 Has This Every Happened To You!?                   7:00 AM     Open - Mixed           58:31  7:58 
   36   801 Not So Hot Pursuit                                 8:00 AM     Open - Mixed           58:37  7:58 
   37   752 Parkway Peddlers                                   7:40 AM     Open - Mens            58:49  8:00 
   38   651 Keep Calm & Cramp On                               6:40 AM     Open - Mixed           58:59  8:01 
   39   810 Blistering Speed                                   8:00 AM     Open - Mens            59:40  8:07 
   40   644 Tequila Chasers                                    6:40 AM     Open - Mixed           59:48  8:08 
   41   720 We're Not Slow Just Tapering                       7:20 AM     Ultra - Mixed          59:51  8:08 
   42   643 Nuun Squirts                                       6:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:00:16  8:12 
   43   703 Between A Walk And A Hard Pace                     7:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:00:19  8:12 
   44   743 Backroad Bandits                                   7:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:00:40  8:15 
   45   740 Jean Claude Damme Van                              7:40 AM     Submasters - Mixed   1:01:17  8:20 
   46   900 Fopo Ultra Team                                    9:00 AM     Ultra - Mixed        1:01:24  8:21 
   47   710 My Cousin Vanny                                    7:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:01:46  8:24 
   48   750 Team Rock                                          7:40 AM     Open - Mens          1:02:05  8:27 
   49   648 Can't We All Just Run Along!                       6:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:02:06  8:27 
   50   621 Cameron Mccarthy                                   6:20 AM     Corporate            1:02:09  8:27 
   51   655 Super Awesome                                      6:40 AM     Submasters - Mixed   1:02:13  8:28 
   52   805 Will Run For Tacos                                 8:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:02:19  8:28 
   53   802 Macleay Madness                                    8:00 AM     Open - Mens          1:02:26  8:29 
   54   640 Team Physiofit                                     6:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:02:34  8:31 
   55   744 Sideburners                                        7:40 AM     Corporate            1:02:43  8:32 
   56   613 Hoptimumpower                                      6:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:03:36  8:39 
   57   808 Take The Money And Run                             8:00 AM     Open - Mens          1:03:38  8:39 
   58   823 My Hammy Vice                                      8:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:03:45  8:40 
   59   714 Mom What's Next Bend                               7:00 AM     Open - Womens        1:03:47  8:40 
   60   706 No Expectations                                    7:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:04:26  8:46 
   61   700 Team Sublimation                                   6:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:05:03  8:51 
   62   753 Lutes & Glutes                                     7:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:05:03  8:51 
   63   626 When Pigs Fly                                      6:20 AM     Public Service       1:05:37  8:55 
   64   724 Cloudsurfers                                       7:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:06:12  9:00 
   65   608 Skeeter Feeders                                    6:00 AM     Masters - Women      1:06:12  9:00 
   66   610 Couch To Cascades                                  6:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:06:15  9:01 
   67   604 Tread Side Down                                    6:00 AM     Submasters - Mixed   1:06:29  9:02 
   68   708 Sibling Rivalry                                    6:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:06:32  9:03 
   69   641 Ovation Runs The Nation                            6:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:06:38  9:04 
   70   634 Chatting Online With Babes!!                       6:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:06:47  9:05 
   71   602 Academics Is More Our Thing!                       6:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:06:54  9:06 
   72   646 Wheaties Box All Stars                             6:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:07:28  9:10 
   73   630 Microflynance                                      6:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:07:53  9:14 
   74   632 The Running Dead                                   6:20 AM     Corporate            1:07:54  9:14 
   75   609 Getting The Old Band Back Together                 7:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:07:55  9:14 
   76   636 Lager Then Life                                    6:20 AM     Open - Mens          1:07:58  9:15 
   77   614 Burnin' Helsinkis                                  6:00 AM     Corporate            1:08:05  9:16 
   78   711 The Master Beaters                                 7:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:08:20  9:18 
   79   709 Soul Tribe                                         7:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:08:55  9:22 
   80   728 Lakes-A-Daisical Runners                           7:20 AM     Corporate            1:09:12  9:25 
   81   809 Everything Hurts                                   7:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:09:35  9:28 
   82   731 Friends In Slow Paces                              7:20 AM     Ultra - Mixed        1:09:42  9:29 
   83   751 Rundc Remix                                        7:40 AM     Submasters - Mixed   1:10:11  9:33 
   84   804 Hackles Up!                                        8:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:10:28  9:35 
   85   611 Death On Two Legs                                  6:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:11:49  9:46 
   86   606 Smarty Pints                                       6:00 AM     Submasters - Men     1:11:49  9:46 
   87   721 Bear Butte Running Club                            7:20 AM     Corporate            1:12:09  9:49 
   88   732 The Hill Billies                                   7:20 AM     Submasters - Mixed   1:12:10  9:49 
   89   821 Cascade Crusaders                                  8:20 AM     Elite - Mixed        1:12:35  9:52 
   90   653 One Time At Van Camp                               6:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:12:39  9:53 
   91   828 I Just Felt Like Running                           6:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:12:48  9:54 
   92   615 Evolve Health                                      6:00 AM     Corporate            1:12:57  9:55 
   93   745 The Holy Shits                                     7:40 AM     Masters - Mixed      1:13:14  9:57 
   94   841 Kraken Knees                                       8:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:13:16  9:58 
   95   635 Totaled Bodies Workout                             6:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:13:45 10:02 
   96   845 Chafing The Dream                                  8:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:14:30 10:08 
   97   625 Run Like A Mother                                  6:20 AM     Masters - Women      1:15:20 10:15 
   98   601 Sore Again In Oregon                               6:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:15:36 10:17 
   99   607 Partially Committed                                6:00 AM     Masters - Mixed      1:15:57 10:20 
  100   822 Insecure Runners With Tiny Hands                   8:20 AM     Submasters - Mixed   1:15:58 10:20 
  101   712 Running Makes Us Hoppy                             7:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:15:59 10:20 
  102   829 Suns Out Thighs Out                                8:20 AM     Open - Mens          1:16:01 10:20 
  103   631 Professional Running Team                          6:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:16:33 10:25 
  104   652 Default Team Name                                  6:40 AM     Submasters - Mixed   1:16:42 10:26 
  105   654 Iron Will - A Strength Like No Other               6:40 AM     Submasters - Mixed   1:16:52 10:27 
  106   603 Midlife Madness                                    6:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:16:56 10:28 
  107   807 Runderpants!                                       8:00 AM     Submasters - Mixed   1:17:20 10:31 
  108   642 Pains Sprains + Automobiles                        6:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:17:48 10:35 
  109   742 Rose City Ravers                                   7:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:17:54 10:35 
  110   650 Code Runners                                       6:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:18:26 10:40 
  111   623 Fopo Run Club                                      6:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:18:57 10:44 
  112   647 Running With The Bulls                             6:40 AM     Submasters - Mixed   1:21:58 11:09 
  113   705 Don't Stop Beerlievin'                             7:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:22:25 11:12 
  114   741 Farfromvanagain                                    7:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:22:28 11:13 
  115   624 Dragon Ass                                         6:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:23:31 11:21 
  116   627 Shoes Booze Or Gu - Nobody Runs For Free           6:20 AM     Ultra - Mixed        1:25:08 11:35 
  117   747 Glow-Gorgeous Legs Of  (w)running                  7:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:25:14 11:35 
  118   701 Gin Mill Gatecrashers                              7:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:26:34 11:46 
  119   633 Running From Responsibilities                      6:20 AM     Open - Womens        1:27:53 11:57 
  120   803 This Ain't Easy But We Are!                        8:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:28:15 12:00 
  121   645 Scrambled Legs                                     6:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:30:19 12:17 
  122   704 Tequila Mockingbirds                               7:00 AM     Open - Mixed         1:32:23 12:34 
  123   612 Crop Tops And Silkies                              6:00 AM     Submasters - Mixed   1:33:17 12:41 
  124   844 Too Far To Walk                                    8:40 AM     Open - Mixed         1:34:14 12:49 
  125   628 Dirty Thirty-6                                     6:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:34:26 12:50 
  126   725 Golden Goose                                       7:20 AM     Open - Mixed         1:41:10 13:45 
  127   605 Gelatinous Mass                                    6:00 AM     Brewers League       1:44:49 14:15