2021 Aquafina OTC Butte To Butte

Result File

                                                                      Team Scores 5K

  1. 2:03:29.5 Swanson Group "eat My Sawdust"     (  24:41.9)
  1    20:05.4  Avi Winter                            
  2    22:06.5  Luis Trejo Sandoval                   
  3    26:08.9  Nicole Mark                           
  4    27:27.0  Barry Harshbarger                     
  5    27:41.7  Jeremy Todd                           

  2. 2:06:36.8 Peach To Peach                     (  25:19.4)
  1    22:35.7  Danny Miller                          
  2    22:51.4  Levi Sellars                          
  3    25:33.9  Alex Bellizzi                         
  4    25:54.6  Diamond Huynh                         
  5    29:41.2  Lilly Bellizzi                        

  3. 4:29:27.6 Team Meme                          (  53:53.6)
  1    53:47.8  Greg Milliman                         
  2    53:51.5  Colleen Milliman                      
  3    53:53.9  Jen Milliman                          
  4    53:54.2  Carl Milliman                         
  5    54:00.2  Jason Barbee